BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-//CiviCRM//NONSGML CiviEvent iCal//EN X-WR-TIMEZONE:America/Chicago METHOD:PUBLISH BEGIN:VEVENT SUMMARY:2025 TCS New York City Marathon DESCRIPTION:\n \n \n TCS NEW YORK CITY MARATHON\n \n Are you a marathon runner? Do you have a heart for adoption ? If so\, we have a special opportunity for you!\n \n Gladney is excited to announce that we have be en chosen for the 11th year in a row as an Officia l Charity Partner for the 2025 \;TCS New York City Marathon on Sunday\, November 2\, 2025. We ar e grateful for this opportunity--it means a lot to us and to the women\, children\, and families we serve.\n \n We are looking for 10 runners with the endurance\, passion\, and commitment needed to jo in our team. See if you meet the criteria!\n \n &d iams\; \; Gladney Adoptee\, Adoptive Parent\, Sibling\, Family Member\, Birth Parent\, Friend\, or Staff Member\n \n &diams\; \; Marathon runn er\n \n &diams\; \; Commitment to fundraise mo re than $3\,000 to support Gladney'\;s mission of Creating Bright Futures through Adoption (each runner on the team will get to choose what program within Gladney they would like their fundraising to support)\n \n &diams\; \; Willingness to pu blicly share your name\, your Gladney connection\, and your motivation for running as part of Gladne y'\;s team through pictures\, social media post s\, and potential media stories.\n \n &diams\;&nbs p\; Ability to arrange and pay for all expenses re lated to running in the marathon. Expenses arrange d and covered by the runner would include the race registration fee\, travel\, lodging\, meals\, etc .\n \n &diams\; \; The marathon is on Sunday\, November 2\, 2025. Race packets are required to b e picked up by runners at the TCS New York City Ma rathon Expo\, which will be open from Thursday\, O ctober 30\, 2025 to Saturday\, November 1\, 2025.\ n \n Interested? Apply by March 24\, 2025. A runne r selection committee at Gladney will review appli cations\, select 10 runners for Gladney'\;s tea m\, and notify all applicants by April 11\, 2025.\ n \n  \; CATEGORIES:Gladney Fundraiser CALSCALE:GREGORIAN DTSTAMP;VALUE=DATE-TIME:20251102T000000 DTSTART;VALUE=DATE-TIME:20251102T000000 DTEND;VALUE=DATE-TIME:20251103T005900 LOCATION:New York City\, NY \n United States\n URL: END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR